

Why Choose Us

Designing our servers, we kept ease-of-use at the forefront our minds to make sure taking care of the digital side of your business is a breeze. Our dedicated IT Support Team, swift browsing speeds, and secure server hosting practices ensure your website will find a happy home in an Esotech web server.

High Performance Browsing

With 1 Gigabit of bandwidth and low latency, your website will load faster than any of your competitor’s sites. Our servers are located in Tier 1 facilities, connecting them to the backbone of the internet, which provides low latency and limits data from bottle-necking to ensure your clients never have to deal with that annoying browser lag.

Reliable, Secure Hosting

Our servers are compliant with PCI Security Council standards and we constantly implement new security measures to keep your data, and your clients’ data safe. Our redundant data storage perpetually jolts information between our drives so your data is always backed up, and never lost.

Managed Hosting

Focus solely on the content of your website and leave the excess stress behind. We know running a business server can be time consuming, so we professionally manage your server when you are busy, and even when you’re not. We handle the administration of your software, security, and storage updates all while offering a direct line to our IT Support team to answer any questions.


Basic from $9.99 /mo



Contact us for server hosting information at:
[email protected]