
Esotech consists of people from various different fields in tech and design. From programmers and graphics designers, tech junkies and old school marketers, our combined experience and skills allow us to take your project from design to deliverable as fast as possible.

Alexander Conroy

President, Lead Developer

alex-squareProgrammer, Developer, Marketer, Salesman. Alexander is a well rounded entrepreneur. He has a diverse background in technology, psychology and marketing. Being a framework builder, he maintains a deep expertise in various languages and systems including PHP, Javascript (Node & Front End) and databases. He contributes to every aspect of a project, from design to deliverable.

view Alexander’s full Bio…

Gregory Conroy

Customer Relations and Operations Manager

21162b5A sysadmin with obsessive tendencies. Greg is a UNIX master, excelling with anything server related including VOIP Technologies and Asterisk. He has experience in web development which includes front and back end scripting and design. At home on a LINUX console or on the phone. Greg quickly and naturally became “The Voice” of Esotech.

view Gregory’s full Bio…Elvis JamesGraphics DesigneElvis James is a graduate of miami’s acclaimed Design & Architecture Senior High school, and has lived a life of design. Elvis has a healthy fascination with all that the growing world of design has to offer, and constantly stretching the limits of his creative abilities and develop in the world of graphics and web design. Elvis works hard at being that designer with the skill, proficient professionalism and creativity.view Elvis’ full Bio…

Alexander Conroy

Co-President, Chief Optimization Officer, Esotech, Inc. SEO Specialist, Programmer and Power user, Alexander has a diverse background in technology, psychology and marketing. Alexander excels in logic, information architecture and the almost metaphysical concepts behind search and relevancy. His experience with both paid and organic lead gen for the health insurance industry gave him synergistic insight, intuition and analytic competencies rarely found today. Google+ Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Blog Skype – geiltalasdair Call | Add Active in technology and always on the cutting edge, Alex is an autodidact that takes apart the latest devices, software and apps as soon as their released. Often participating in Beta testing of software, services and social networks, Alexander has established a social media presence as a master of technology, often blogging on and his own personal blog Alexander is the engineer and designer of many proprietary Sales and Lead Management Databases as well as various custom WordPress SEO and Lead Gen plugins. A focus on LAMP Programming and Database design has given him the ability to visualize database architecture and code functions in his mind, with the keyboarding skills to actualize them at over 110 WPM. An ever growing background in hardware, software and technology trends makes him a definitive resource for clients, being able to pinpoint both opportunities and issues with stunning alacrity and accuracy. As a consultant, Alex has performed miracles when under extreme pressure. His advice and guidelines have created lasting and continuing impressions on many successful businesses. Alexander has a Master’s Degree in the Academic Study of Religion with a focus on Eastern and Western Mysticism, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.

Toney (Nox) Mauzy

Web Developer, Esotech Inc. Front End Web Master, CSS Pro, Graphic Artist, Supreme Illustrator. Nox has perfected his craft over many years by staying involved with the ever changing web design world. His experience and resume includes million dollar company back-end projects, as well as high profiled entertainers personal sites. This gives him the advantage of working in a team environment as well as custom solo builds. Nox has a Multi-media degree so his expertise spans across web, graphic, print, animation and video designs. Design is a passionate hobby for Nox, so he never feels like he is working. Nox’s first passion is music which took him many places around the world. All the while, he has stayed in touch with his design. Researching, practicing, and producing new projects along the way. Music has led this Ohio native to California were he obtained his Multi-Media degree. Upon graduation he landed his first Web Design job with where he designed and built custom sites for celebrities in the Hollywood area. Nox continues to perfect his craft by continuing to learn Javascript, jQuery, PHP,  and ASP. His passion has no bounds and he aspires to know more at all times.  Although he is very well crafted in design, he has a bigger passion for web coding. Now that he is a part of the great Esotech Team, his skills will build stronger.

Gregory Conroy

Greg is a passionate programmer with a habit for documentation and usability. He is interested in all things technological and is well-versed in both web and software development. Fluent in the use of PHP, Javascript/jQuery, CSS, HTML5, MySQL, and Java, he brings his object-oriented approach to the team to give applications a logical and readable flow. He documents his code abundantly and does so in the hopes that it can be integrated into other uses. He has maintained his own web server and game server and is familiar with the idiosyncrasies present in MySQL databases and the proper security measures to take in securing data. A critic at heart, Greg constantly checks for errors, regardless of what he is doing, and often catches little mistakes that others overlook. Once familiar with a language or topic, there is little if anything at all that can stop him. A habitual gamer, Greg also knows that a good interface leaves a happy gamer, not to mention an even happier customer. Fluid navigation through sites is one of his major goals along with optimal load times, and customer satisfaction. If you’re not happy with it, chances are he’s not either. With a degree in Information Technology, he uses all his resources and stops at nothing to be sure that each client is thoroughly satisfied. Google+ Facebook LinkedIn