World Social Media Day 2013
Sunday June 30th is the fourth annual World Social Media Day and there will literally hundreds of conferences world wide simultaneously with thousands of speakers and round table discussions. Mashable started Social Media Day in 2010, and just four years later it has turned into a worldwide event. You can find local events on Mashable Meetup page – by the way, ignore the number of attendees, there will be many more as few bother to register here and most just use it to find the events.
Many of the local events have their own webpages and Miami is no exception. If you are near Miami join us at the Arsht Center for Social Media Day Miami – registration is FREE and there is a complete list of the presentations and speakers.
I will be doing a presentation at 3 PM on “Get an Edge on Facebook, Edgerank, Post Reach, and Ads Explained” and there are over 40 other speaker plus some great round table discussions scheduled. WE hope to see you there!