The Road to Website Recovery – Google Adds Disavow Links Penguin Fixing Tool
Was your Website effected by Google’s Penguin Update? Did you use a SEO Company that spammed the internet with shady links pointing to your site, only to suddenly drop in rankings and traffic overnight? How many hours of sleep have you lost worrying about getting your rankings back? Did you curse and mutter while trying to decide whether to take dreadfully slow route of trashing your website and starting over, or trying, painstakingly, to get those links removed?
Worry no longer, today Google Launched a Penguin Fixing Tool to ease the process of recovering from a Penguin update and getting you back on track. Now that you have learned the detriments of low quality SEO, and the benefits of brand building and content marketing, you have a chance to recover from a Penguin disaster.
Just create any major text file in notepad, text, sublime or notepad++ and save it as a .rtf or .txt file. Inside of it list the domains following format: domain:linkpharm.com that you do not want to trust. This will send a signal to Google to consider these links as unwanted or untrustworthy, possibly lifting any Penguin penalties your website has. This will also help fend off attacks from those using Negative SEO Link Farming against you. (Yes, it is possible to do this, and will be explained in a later blog).
Here is an example of the format Examples, and a file for quick handy reference and download (right click and save-as to download):
This tool is recommended to assist with links that you have not been able to remove yourself. It is still recommended to try and get those links removed, but if you can’t use the tool.
Matt Cutts has a video on Youtube explaining the reasoning behind the Disavrow Tool, as well as how to use it.
This is very welcome and fresh news from Google after a year of dreadful update after update putting thousands of dollars of company SEO funding down the drain. At least SEO’s who participated in darker practices now chance to take some action to correct it.
But perhaps it is still too little, too late for some companies that got hit very hard and were relying on that traffic to survive.