Alexander Conroy

How to Create and Edit WordPress 3 Webpages and Blog Posts

 wordpress  Beginning with WordPress can be challenging at first but after reading this post, you will have a clearer understanding of the basic techniques to use in order to make your page professional and interesting to your readers. First allow me to start off by saying a post and a page are two, minor, differences. A post is done in chronological order, whereas a page is a fixed and independent page. Both of which are easily done about the same way. 


Creating Your Title

After you have decided what you want your page to be about you need to think of an interesting/catchy title for your page. Make sure you stay relevant and informative as well as keeping it as a teaser. Try not to make it “spammy” by making the title something that has nothing to do with your page just because you know readers are currently searching for the topic. Once you have racked your brain long enough and are ready to finalize your title you can type it along the top barline as shown:

Heading 1

 Once you have typed in the title that you interested in calling your page you will notice that a permalink will automatically generate underneath. If you would like, you can edit that link to whatever you would prefer.



 Within your webpage setup you may be interested in making subtitles, or what WordPress calls, “Headlines.” It is used to create sub paragraphs that can be easier for your reader to spot immediately, so if they have a specific interest within your page that they are interested in, they can find it more effectively. The easier you make it for your readers, the better. Something to keep in mind is you never want to select Heading 1. Reason for that is your main title that you originally created is considered heading 1. When making your subtitles in your article you want to start with Heading 2. In order to do this you want to select from the drop-down menu Heading 2 as shown:


After you have typed the heading and you have hit enter to begin your paragraph, the font will then change back to the original paragraph font.


Adding Your Featured Image

Your featured image is what the reader will see before clicking on to your page. It is used mainly to advertise your page in an effective way. In order to add your featured image you want to scroll on your page until you see the box shown: WordPress Featured Image 

Proceed with clicking the “Set featured image” link. That will then take you to a new pop up screen where you can either drag and drop your photo into the dotted lines, or you can simply select the “select files” button and locate your files that way in order to upload them. Once you have done so you will be brought to a page that displays your selected image along with bringing up options to add more specifics to your featured image so your image itself can be searched giving you higher SEO. 


 Adding Image to Page

 Just like adding your featured image was simple, so is adding an image to your page itself. All you need to do is click on the link located above the toolbar titled “Upload/Insert” with the little media caption (I have highlighted it in pink.)


 After that, you follow the same basic and easy steps you did when you added the featured image to your page. 


Adding Hyperlinks

 Let’s say within your page you want to link your readers to various pages or websites that may be helpful to them. In order to do so, type what you would like the link to be and then highlight it. Once you have done that, refer to your toolbar for the button that looks like chains being linked together.  


 I have outlined the button in yellow in the example above. After you have clicked on that, you will get a pop up that asks for the URL and the title of the link. After you have filled everything out accordingly, you have officially created your hyperlink. When editing your page you won’t be able to click the link, but when the page is published the link is then clickable. 


Adding Numbers and Bullets

 When editing your page, you may come across some key facts that you would like to address by using either numbers or bullets so that your reader can read these facts and remember them easier. When wanting to bring this process to your page you simply click either the bullet or number button as shown: 


 The green outline is for the bullet option and the blue outline is for the numbered option. Both of which serve basically the same purpose, it just depends on the point you are trying to make in your page.